Systematic Family Therapy Technical Sitting Held

News ID : #237
Publish Date : 05/20/2014 0:00
The Systematic Family Therapy Technical Sitting was held by the ODVV on the occasion of the International Day of Families.

According to ODVV public relations the sitting began with the reading of UN Secretary General's Message for the day by Maria Dotsenco from UNIC in Iran:
"As we commemorate this year's International Day of Families, we recognize the meaningful contributions that families make to advancing the mission of the United Nations.
By providing economic and emotional sustenance to their members, families can raise productive, caring citizens committed to the common good. Strong, well-functioning families, whatever form they may take, can help reduce poverty, improve the wellbeing of mothers, promote gender equality and uphold human rights.
Support for families is crucial to realizing their full potential. That means factoring their needs into development policies, considering their circumstances in addressing conflicts, and advocating for the equal treatment of all families, regardless of their structure. As we strive to usher in a more sustainable future, achieve the Millennium Development Goals, shape a new development agenda and combat climate change, let us mobilize the world's families.
On this International Day of Families, let us strive to strengthen these small but critical units found in every society so that we may advance as one human family toward greater progress."
In the end of her speech Ms. Dotsenco saw the Islamic Republic of Iran's provision of necessary education for families as very successful, and expressed hope for the continuation of this process.
The next speaker was Mostafa Tabrixi, member of Alame Tabatabaee University science group and family counselor while holding a technical workshop on "therapy counseling" reviewed Iranian couples and relationships and presented a suitable model of family therapy in Iran.
This university lecturer presented a suitable and effective model for eucation and treatment of relationships disorders among family members as a fundamental vacuum in treatment of families and explained: "As it is stressed in systematic family therapy, description establishment and analysis of family members interaction is a suitable method that can correct effective communication of the family members."
This university lecturer then presented a therapy model for counselors, psychologists and social workers active in family matters a systematic family therapy model based on interaction of Iranian family members.  

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