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یبناج یاه‏تسشن یرازگرب
هب مادقا یللملا
نیب عماجم رد دوخ هتشذگ تایبرجت زا هدافتسا اب اروش زا هرود نیا رد تنوشخ ناینابرق زا عافد نامزاس ناگدنیامن
)دینک فقوتم ار تنوشخ (نمی رد رشب
قوقح تیعضو
ناهج توکس ینابرق نمی
تاعوضوم اب ،یبناج تسشن ود یرازگرب
.دندومن ناما هکبش و نانبل زا مایخ هسسؤم تکراشم اب
هزغ یگنج تایانج ربارب رد زیمآ‏ضارتعا عمجت و
،لییارسا طسوت یگنج تایانج رب دیکأت اب رــشب قوقح یاروش 29 سلاجا رد هزغ نویــسیمک شرازگ هیارا و یــسررب زا سپ
نیا .دندرک زیمآ
ضارتعا عمجت و هاگشیامن ییاپرب هب مادقا رگید یتلودریغ نامزاس 8 یراکمه اب تنوشخ ناینابرق زا عافد نامزاس
رازگرب ونژ رهش نویسان نادیم ،دحتم للم نامزاس ییاپورا رقم لباقم »لییارسا طسوت رشب قوقحضقن« ناونع اب عمجت و هاگشیامن
.دش هداد نارباع هب زین یتلاجم و تاوزج مچرپ و رنب ،رتسوپ زا هدافتسا نمض و
رشب‏قوقح یاروش ما‏یس سلاجا
رد .دش رازگرب سییوس ونژ رهش للم خاک رد 1394 هام
نابآ 11 ات هامرویرهش 23 خیرات زا رشب قوقح یاروش سلاجا نیما
یتاعوضوم .دنتفرگ رارق ثحب دروم دیدج یعرف تاعوضوم اب ،دنراد رارق اروش راک روتسد رد هراومه هک یلصا متیآ هد سلاجا نیا
دننام ناهج رسارس زا یرایسب یرشب قوقح تاعوضوم رانک رد قارع و نیطــسلف ،نیارکوا ،هیروس رد رــشب
قوقح تیعضو دننام
The Gaza report from the United Nations
Commission of Inquiry shows the war had a
devastating impact on children.
The death toll alone is shocking. In Gaza,
Israeli military operations killed 551 children
and injured 3,436. More than 1,500 children
were orphaned.
Israeli attacks damaged or destroyed 18,000
homes and half of all education facilities
(261 out of 520 schools, kindergartens, and
university buildings, according to the UN),
including the only school for children with
disabilities. Almost one year since the war
fighting ended, only few numbers of damaged
homes and schools have been rebuilt due to
import restrictions and low donor funds.
Palestinian Children
Paid a Huge Price for
Gaza Conflict
13,000 Palestinians people are not connected
to a water network. Hundreds of thousands
of others are cut off from a regular supply
during the summer months.
Access to Drinking Water:
AViolation of Human Rights
in Palestine
According to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights,
from the Six Day War (1967) to the First Intifada
(1988), over 600,000 Palestinians were held in Israeli
jails for a week or more.
At the end of April. 2015, 5,554 Palestinian security
detainees and prisoners were held in Israeli prisons,
357 of them from the Gaza Strip. An additional 1,028
Palestinians were held in Israel Prison Service facilities
for being in Israel illegally, 16 of them from the Gaza
Strip. A few dozen other Palestinians are held in IDF
facilities for short periods of time. The following data
were provided by the military and by the IPS.
Palestinian Prisoners
Forced displacement has made Palestinian
families face economic hardship which has
often prevented them from enrolling their
children in educational courses. In addition,
the availability of education services is
usually another issue of concern for families
following forced displacement, as indicated
by Save the Children UK.
Right to Education
in West Bank
Israel is widely believed to possess weapons of mass
destruction, and Israel has not signed the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty. The US Congress Office
of Technology Assessment has recorded Israel as
a country generally reported as having undeclared
chemical warfare capabilities, and an offensive
biological warfare program. Officially Israel neither
confirms nor denies possessing nuclear weapons.
Israel, NPT
and WMD
Three Human Rights Council mechanisms
deal with the human rights violations in the
Occupied Territories, that include regular
sessions, special sessions and the independent
investigation commission.
Israel and the
Human Rights Council
Palestinian citizens of Israel are those Palestinians
who remained behind in what became the state of
Israel following theNakba (1947-9), or “catastrophe,”
when approximately 750,000 Palestinians were
expelled from their homes and land by Zionist forces
in order to make way for a Jewish-majority state.
Between 1948 (when Israel declared independence)
and 1966, Palestinian citizens of Israel were subject
to military rule. After 1966, martial lawwas lifted but
to this day they continue to suffer from widespread,
systematic and institutionalized discrimination
affecting everything from land ownership and
employment opportunities to family reunification
rights. Today, there are approximately 1.2 million
Palestinian citizens of Israel, about 20% of the
Against Palestinians