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aerial attack against Gaza by Israel in the summer
of 2014 51 day war, 2149 Palestinians that included
1462 civilians - 299 women and 551 children -
also the extensive destruction of infrastructures
that left 100,000 people homeless, and the grave
violation of the rules of war, that included the use of
unconventional weapons in the densely populated
Gaza region, are all clear violation of human rights
and humanitarian law. This resulted in the setting
up of an independent investigation commission in
the Gaza Strip, which began its investigations in
August 2014 but because of Israel's lack of failure its
findings were based on testimonies, and published
its findings on 22 June 2015. The report concludes
that both conflicting sides probably committed war
crimes, and following up on that on 3 July 2015
the Human Rights Council through resolution A/
HRC/29/L.35 condemned Israel's committed war
crimes in the 51 day conflict in Gaza. This narrative
has just been a brief glance at cases and dimensions
of human rights violations, war crimes, and
terrorism in the Middle East, which increases the
urgency and the importance of more than before of
the international community's attention and human
rights bodies.
Despite human rights as a result of the rights of
humans in international relations in today's world
is very noted and reiterated, but the use of human
rights as a tool or leverage has become so extensive
that human rights violations are visible more than
the promotion and improvement of human rights.
This issue has become one of the main shortfalls
and challenges in international relations which
cannot improve without the particular attention
of the international community and allocation of
specific moral and material costs.
Despite human rights as a
result of the rights of humans
in international relations in
today’s world is very noted and
reiterated, but the use of human
rights as a tool or leverage has
become so extensive that human
rights violations are visible
more than the promotion and
improvement of human rights.