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Au t umn&wi n t e r
2 0 1 4 & 2 0 1 5
welcome and cooperation of Iranian
ethnic groups and NGOs and some
identifying, introducing and protecting
of the visible and invisible cultural
heritage of the country and at the end
some recommendations are given for
further accessing of all Iranian ethnic
groups tocltural rights regardingcultural
heritage and move in the direction of
the realisation of the recommendations
from the first round of the UPR.
Some of the recommendations are:
a) Increasing public education on the
promotion of the people’s recognition
of the ethnic historical and cultural
heritage and their protection
b) Setting up a body to coordinate
between NGOs and GOs for the
protection of the cultural heritage of the
c) Further encouragement of ethnic
groups to observe their traditional
customs and promote these customs.
International Association of Justice
This report reviews the subject of
development in the Islamic Republic
of Iran. Since the end of the Iraq-Iran
Enforced war, the Iranian government
plans. In continuing its efforts on the
path to reaching development, from
2010 Iran implemented a developmental
economic plan, the removal of subsidies
prrogramme and implementation of
the Mehr Housing Projects, and action
towards eradication of poverty, and the
MDG. Meanwhile the negative effects
of economic sanctions imposed on Iran
have caused problems in the income
environment of the people, where as
well as economic pressures, the imports
of drugs and medicines have also been
greatly affected. These sanctions have
also slowed down the development
process in Iran.
Another part of this report reviews
the human rights education situation
in Iran. In continuation of its efforts
on the path of reaching development,
from 2010 by increasing the capacity
of human rights and humanitarian law
education, and holding of workshops
and technical education courses, the
Islamic Republic of Iran has taken
positive steps towards education
and expansion of human rights.
Meanwhile not enough attention
towards the quality of education and
some structural problems, have slowed
down satisfactory accomplishment.
On this basis some of the
recommendations are as follows:
a) To make transparency in economic
processes, the Iranian government must
set banking and financial policies and
adopt them so that the hidden hands are
cut off from the economy.
b) More than anything, the
economic sanctions against Iran have
affected the people more than the
government, in such way that in some
instances fundamental human rights
principles have been violated. Because
imposing economic sanctions without
consideration of their repreccusions
such as the effects of the cutting of
the import of medicines to the country
under sanction, is in fact a blatant
violation of human rights. On this basis,
international organizations must review
and reconsider the sanctions.
c) Reduction of the government’s
interference in the economy and
amendment of the tax system towards
the realisation objectives such as the
fight against money laundering and the
removal of the invisible hands from the
d) The preparation of mechanisms
needed for human rights education in
This report deals with the participation of
NGOs in the eradication of the poverty and
unemployment problems, and scientific and
educational promotion and economic and social
empowerment of women.