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In line with moving towards its
objectives, which is the promotion of
human rights, while having active presence
in the Human Rights Council sessions and
submission of written and oral statements,
holding sideline panels, the ODVV has
tried to design its programmes in line with
national and international developments
and decisions in the field of human rights.
To this aim, following the human rights
procedure in the UPR took up aparticular
significance for the ODVV.
Iran’s UPR took place in 2010, and
188 recommendations were given by
countries, and Iran accepted 126 of those.
The second round of the UPR on Iran
took place in 2014. in the second round
291 recommendations were given which
are being reviewed by Iran for acceptance
or rejection.Overall it can be said that the
accepted recommendations in the UPR is a
consensus of the international community,
the United Nations, the country in
question,, national institutions and
NGOs in the promotion of human rights.
Accepting the abovementioned fact in the
promotion of human rights, the ODVV’s
focal point of programmes is dedicated to
the accepted recommendation of the UPR
on Iran, and based planning its education,
research and promotion projects on this
basis. While planning its activities in line
with the recommendations, the ODVV
has put in its top priority interaction
with governmental bodies and holding
colloquium sittings. Also playing the
role of facilitator for other NGOs whose
activities are in line with the accepted
recommendations, is in the working
agenda of the ODVV.
What follows is a brief report of
ODVV’s activities as a nongovernmental
human rights organization towards the
accepted responsibilities in the UPR on
Iran process.
Relevant Recommendations:
Support for the Expansion of Human
Rights in General Form
Improvement of the Conditions of
Religious Minorities
The activities of the ODVV towards
the reduction of human rights violations
and promotion of human dignity is
done without consideration of colour,
race and belief, and the expansion of
human rights culture that includes
the implementation of projects,
days and international conferences,
education workshops and publication of
Report of ODVVActivities Regarding
the Recommendations Given
of the UPR on Iran
Accepting the
abovementioned fact
in the promotion of
human rights, the
ODVV’s focal point
of programmes
is dedicated to
the accepted
recommendation of
the UPR on Iran,
and based planning
its education,
research and
promotion projects
on this basis.
By: Hamideh Abotorabi