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Au t umn&wi n t e r
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accidents every day while 30% of all
farm workers had a family income below
the federal poverty line.
16- Having a criminal record can keep
many people from obtaining employment
. People of color “face an implicit racial
bias throughout the criminal justice
system. They are more likely than whites
to be stopped by police and arrested,
they often have inferior representation in
court, and further, they receive harsher
17-According to a new study by the
NationalDomesticWorkersAlliance, 23%
of domestic workers make less than the
state minimum wage, and nearly half are
paid below the level needed to adequately
support a family as employers routinely
withhold compensation or refuse to pay
overtime. The study “found that domestic
workers who were [undocumented]
immigrants earned considerably less
than those who were American-born or
naturalized citizens.”
Right to Education, Health & Housing
18- “African Americans who complete
high school still have 18 percent
unemployment, twice the white rate.
19- Wage inequalities based on race
and gen-der is a significant human rights
violation. On average, white women earn
81 cent for every dollar that white men
20- In 2012, 47 million non-elderly
Americans were uninsured.
21- As of September 2013, the
uninsured rate for Hispanics was 29.1%.
For Blacks it was 19%, and for Asians it
was 15.1%, which is significantly higher
than for non-Hispanic whites at 11.1%.
22- Below poverty are at the highest
risk of being uninsured, and this group
ac-counts for 38% of all the uninsured.
23-… “Today, children in the United
States continue to be segregated by race
and socioeconomic status and attend
schools that are not only separate but
grossly unequal in both resources and
academic outcomes.”
24- According to the Leadership
Conference on Civil and Human Rights,
“American students continue to at-tend
schools that are deeply segregated by
both race and class, and schools serving
low-income families and racial minorities
consistently lack the funding, resources,
and faculty experience and expertise
necessary to improve the education
outcomes of minority students.”
25- “In low-performing schools,
principals and all or half of the staff will
be fired. Schools that continue to get low
test-scores will be closed or turned into
charter schools or handed over to private
26- Domestic violence is a leading
cause of homelessness, “especially
for women and their children, and for
unaccompanied youth. One in three
women suffers abuse by an intimate
partner [while] 43 percent of homeless
youth leave home after enduring abuse
by a caretaker.”
Women’s rights and Children’s right
27- Many of the occupations with the
largest projected job growth are minority
and female-dominated, but they are jobs
such as home health aides and personal
care aides, with earnings of only about
20,000 dollars per year.”
28- Still, on an average day about
70,000 young men and women under the
age of 21 are confined, overwhelmingly
for non-violent offenses, and 7,560 youth
under the age of 18 are held in adult
jails. -29- Children of color, particularly
African-American and Hispanic youth,
are more likely to be arrested, charged,
and tried as adults. They are also more
likely to receive longer sentences, and are