Au t umn&wi n t e r
2 0 1 4 & 2 0 1 5
individuals that are caredfor by Imam
Khomeini Aid and Welfare organizations or
individuals that are proved to be poor can
benefit from free services in propotion to
their financial status. From this aspect Iran
is even much more advanced in issuing sex
change verdicts compared to most countries,
especially Islamic ones. Because in the
event that the diagnosis is confirmed by
the Coroner’s Office, so that the individual
can make suitable physical sexual gender
appearance in society, the Coroner’s Office
issues a permit and the Islamic Republic of
Iran’s police authority is also included in this
permit and cooperates. Often the individual
is supported legally and all regulations
regarding the new gender is applicable. For
example if this gentleman is the head of the
household, his Diah will be in the same form
and also his inheritance situation, therefore
there is no need for problems. In any event
these individuals are accorded the rights in
article 14 of the Constitution and enjoy full
human rights.
As stated, minority in specific terms in
Islam is meaningless, and from the Islamic
religious and legal aspects of Iran, all are
equal as human beings and enjoy full human
rights. Therefore fundamentally the religious
minorities issue is only a pertinent minority
in Islamic law, which is reviewable under
citizen’s rights and not human rights. This
review is not solely for Islamic law, but in all
modern law schools, the subject of minorities
rights is pertinent under citizen’s rights.
Fundamentally as stated the level of these
legal variables is not humanity but the level
of loyalty in the preservation of collective
happiness and general public interest.
In view of this explanation, the criminality
of illegal social minorities are pursuable by
the law if they result in practical propaganda
and advertising, otherwise the searching and
investigation of these individuals a crime
and sin. As long as non-religious and illegal
religiousminorities donot advertise inpublic,
they are safe and their human rights must be
guaranteed by the Islamic government.
Introduction The most important criticism
of Iranian laws regarding minorities is not
the text of the law, but it is the application of
the law. In fact the application of the law is a
general problem, and is not solely regarding
minorities in Iran. In any event for the
purpose of the promotion of the rights and
presence of religious minorities in various
social arenas, and their active participation
in decision making levels, some local and
national measures have been taken in the
form of fundamental laws. Below are some
of the main examples:
1-In the fourth city and village Islamic
councils elections, a number of Christian
citizens were elected to the councils in
Urumiah Fereydoon and Fereydoonshahr.
Also Zoroastrians have representatives in the
city and village councils inYazd province. 2-
For example in clause 19 of the Budget Act
(2007) it states that “Those that are covered
by the Imam Khomeini Aid Committee,
and the Welfare Organization, mosques,
Hosseiniehs, mahdiehs, rurlal schools,
religious schools, the graves of the martyrs
and religious minorities places of worship
that are recognized, the subject of article 13 of
the Constitution they are exempt for one time
from paying water rates, sewage, electricity
and gas.
budget/86/made%20vahedeha/19. htm
Active participation in legislation •
Religious minorities have five members
of parliament, 2 Armenians, 1 Assyrian,
1 Jewish and 1 Zoroastrian. Considering
that the 70 million population of Iran has
A Glance at Laws Governing the Citizen’s Rights
of Minorities in Iran