Of course, countries imposing sanctions on any country may be able to
provide justifications for waging war, imposing sanctions and so forth,
but the main goal pursued by the United Nations Charter, the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, and other human rights documents was
to prevent human rights of citizens from being victimized even under
conditions of war and sanctions. However, this important human rights
cause and goal is totally ignored under conditions of sanctions, because
the extent of havoc that they wreak to a country can be only observed
and measured over the course of time. Perhaps, if victims of sanctions
underwent sudden pain like victims of war and aggression and died
suddenly, their suffering would be more visible for people of the world
and human rights organizations.
1- https://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/
2- Exemplary cases collected by research team of the Organization for Defending
Victims of Violence (ODVV)
3- http://www.refworld.org/pdfid/4538838d0.pdf
5- http://www.modiriatefarda.ir/index.php?optio
6- http://www.iscanews.ir/news/573459/
7- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-sanctions-un-idUSBRE89412Z20121005
8- http://imed.fda.gov.ir/fa/ndt/2363/
9- Apositron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that allows your doctor
to check for diseases in your body. The scan uses a special dye that has radioactive
tracers. See: http://www.healthline.com/health/pet-scan
10- http://danakhabar.com/fa/news/1154008/
11- http://www.fardanews.com/fa/news/588137/