Page 22 - defenders-2017

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Summer 2017
statistics of the nationalities of refugees in 2017 (table 2), it can be said that
now is the time for further attention towards the refugee crisis fromAfrica and
other crisis regions of the world.
Key international organisations such as IOM and UNHCR, which co-launched
a Mixed Migration Working Group in Libya in December 2016, do not have
unfettered access to all detention centres and are limited to providing basic
core relief and medical aid to migrants. While Brussels focuses on preventing
arrival and facilitating return, the situation in Libya itself is a glaring black
hole in the middle of the plan. The phrase ‘seeking to ensure adequate
reception capacities and conditions in Libya for migrants’ in the draft Malta
Summit conclusions seems a vastly inadequate response to widespread reports
of execution, rape, and torture in Libyan detention centres.
4 – New Civil Protection Act in Europe
On 14 January 2014, the new Civil ProtectionAct was implemented in Europe,
which concentrates of which has been more the prevention of occurrence of
disasters, reduction of fatalities and
readiness and planning (more organized
joint training) for civil protection.
The EU Civil Protection Mechanism
helps the participating countries prevent
disasters, prepare for emergencies and
pool their resources which can then
be made available for a coordinated
and rapid response in countries hit by
disasters. While the EU’s humanitarian
aid targets third countries, its Civil
Protection Mechanism can be mobilised
in case of emergencies both inside and outside theEU. TheMechanismenhances
European cooperation, response and coordination and is a manifestation of
European solidarity.
- The complex nature of migration in Europe has put into question the
practicality of the EU migration laws. South European countries alone are not
able to deal with this challenge and many Europeans have accept this fact too
- Europe’s joint efforts to deal with migration crisis is urgent. The volume of
help to solve the refugee crisis have really been considerable, but the political
will is not strong enough to house the refugees and organise their situation.
- EU open door policies and job markets, can take the opportunity of refugee
crisis to attract the workforce, boost production and help the growth of its
economy. This policy was implemented successfully by America also in the
20th Century with the influx of European migrants.
The complex nature of
migration in Europe has put
into question the practicality
of the EU migration laws