Page 32 - defenders-2017

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Summer 2017
The Saudi government’s insistence on creating, guiding and funding terrorism
has reached a stage that even before embarking on any terrorist attacks on an
independent and democratic country in the Middle East, high-ranking Saudi
officials openly threatened that they would take the war to that country as a
form of punishment.
Violating the norms of international law and human rights
On the whole, and according to principles of international law and human
rights, the government of Saudi Arabia stands accused of following violations:
1. Violating basic human rights and committing war crimes
against regional countries and the world by resorting to force
and funding terrorist groups;
2. Violating sovereignty and independence of other countries
through intervention in their internal affairs as well as abetting
and guiding terrorist groups on the soil of various countries;
3. Supporting, strengthening and guiding terrorist groups
while ignoring relevant conventions on supporting and funding
terrorism as well as many binding resolutions adopted by the
United Nations Security Council on fighting terrorism such as
SRES/2253 (2015), A/62/L.48, S/RES/2255 (2015) and so forth.
All the aforesaid cases are not only blatant examples of violation of basic human
rights, but are also violation of preemptory norms of the international law.
The international responsibility of the Saudi government for committing
terrorist acts as well as creating, supporting and guiding terrorism is
evident. In the meantime, according to Article 2 of the UN document on
the “Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts,” which is
considered an international customary law, measures taken by Saudi Arabia
are clear examples of international violation, which have led to a series of
international crimes as well.
Terrorist acts supported by the Saudi government are covered by important
articles of the “Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts,”
some of which are considered as preemptory norms of international law.
As a result, they necessitate, at least, direct intervention by the UN Security
Council and UN Human Rights Council, and must also receive due attention
from prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. In addition, this is among
those cases in which, any country that has suffered as a result of Saudi-backed
terrorism and the international community can resort to the aforesaid norms.
However, inattention by international authorities has added to the calamity
in this case and can potentially take globalization of human rights off the
right track. At the present time, the natural and primary duty of all the above-
mentioned international institutions is to pay serious attention to this issue,
because their inattention would be considered as a historical, security and
legal regression for the entire human community.
The UN Security Council has condemned terrorist actions time and again in