Page 46 - defenders-2017

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Summer 2017
children in armed conflict.
Also, ODVV recommended Pakistan to:
- Take action, along with universities in Quetta and the
Balochistan, to ensure access for Hazara students to education.
-Announce the practical measures designed to bring perpetrators
of deadly attacks against religious minorities to justice, as an
effective method to prevent violence, considering the fact that
such attacks fuel the flame of sectarian tensions.
- Amend the existing laws effectively to ensure the protection
of the civil rights of political minorities.
- Announce the steps taken to end all forms of violence against
women in line with the accepted recommendations of pervious
UPR cycles and considering the current rising trend of such
crimes, while the existing laws are amended.
- Start a national action plan to end child marriage, harmonizing
the efforts of government institutions, civil society members
and the public to achieve the common goal, in line with 6
accepted recommendations to promote children’s rights in the
- Start a national action plan to address the roots of the activities
labeled as “honor killing”, changing the existing cultural
mindsets that fan the flames of such crimes.
- Recalling the fact that killing civilians out of war zones can be
considered as war crimes , we call on the Human Rights Council
and the international community to condemn and emphasize
on both the illegitimacy and illegality of drone strikes, since
it appears to be beyond the capacities of Pakistan government.
ODVV Submission to Botswana UPR,
29th session of UPR Working group (January 2018)
Considering the recommendations given to Botswana in the first two UPR
cycles, the main points raised to Botswana by ODVV included ratification
of International Human Rights instruments, respecting the rights of tribal
groups, women’s rights, freedom of expression and assembly and the right to
health including the HIV challenge.
In the submission ODVV called on the country to:
- Ratify the core human rights instruments to which it is not