Page 49 - defenders-2017

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Summer 2017
hunger strikes of prisoners, the situation of Gaza confiscation of land, forced
displacement and even human rights challenges such as child labor.
In the occupied territories people are deprived of their fundamental rights
such as the right to have access to safe drinking water and electricity. The
situation is even further complicated by continuous killings of Palestinians,
widespread arbitrary arrests and frequent attacks to people and properties.
To improve the long standing challenges and being concerned about the
widespread long term breaches of various kinds in Israel, the Organization
for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV) report called on Israel to:
- Take practical measures and amend the existing laws to effectively address
the serious existing discrimination against Palestinians.
- Meet its commitments under the Geneva Conventions, as the occupying
power, to maintain public order and civil life, including public welfare and
find durable solutions for the continuing challenges of Arab people in the
occupied territories.
- Prevent the construction of all illegal settlements, confiscation of Palestinian
lands and demolition of their properties.
- Start impartial and independent investigations on all cases of extrajudicial
killings and torture, ending the impunity of all perpetrators.
- End torture, solitary confinement, administrative detention and put measures
in place to safeguard the human rights of all prisoners.
- Stop arrests of users of social networks based the information screened by
“Big Data”.
- Respect Palestinians freedom of movement and all the other rights
dependent on it such as the right to a family, education and the right to have
access to one’s properties.
- Respect the Palestinians freedom of religion, belief and expression, protect
their places of worship and release all prisoners of conscious.
- Maximize efforts to protect the rights of Bedouin population and eliminate
racial discrimination against them.
- Gather data on cases of child labor, aiming at protection of children’s rights
and elimination of the labor.