Page 53 - defenders-2017

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Summer 2017
Jean-Luc Vannier, psychoanalyst and Nice University Lecturer, in the conference
hall of the ODVV.
The sitting beganwith the opening remarks of ODVVdirector Dr. Siavash Rahpeik
with a welcoming speech, in which he gave a brief history of the Organization.
Next speaker was Dr. Mohammad Kazem Sajadpour, from the International
Training and Research Centre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who spoke about
terrorism and extremism in the region: “Terrorists and those associated with
extremism have a very poor interpretation of Islam, and in many instances they
do not have any understanding of the religion. The nurturing of terrorists includes
various levels that include, individuals, social, regional and international. Sadly the
Middle East is deemed the most violent region in the world, and this is as a result of
the disproportionate relationship of countries with the region’s people. The Middle
East is shedding skin from within and outside that regional revolutions, foreign
incidents and violence in the region are all pulling the Middle East towards decline.
These developments, have caused an increase in numerous acts, and from its core,
terror groups such as ISIS with a decadent ideology emerge.” The next speaker
was Jean-Luc Vannier, psychoanalyst and Nice University Lecturer considered the
explanation of the psychological dimensions of terrorism, the trend to terror and
extremist groups as the result of various reasons. He assured that: “Most people who
suffer mental issues such as depression and distress, join terror groups to release
from these disorders.” This Nice University lecturer added: “The feeling of need
to destroy because of the feeling of guilt by these people, in the event of failure to
manage these feelings, will force these suffering individuals to destroy themselves
and in the long run force them to destroy others by joining terror groups.”
Dr Jean-Luc Vannier explained: “Extremist ideologies promise mental peace and
achieving advanced personalitiews, as well as reaching higher human status, attracts
humiliated individuals towards itself. Also the luring of the thoughts of individuals
who have the suitable base to accept these types of beliefs, is another instance
that draws individuals towards extremist groups. The promise to control the whole
world and also promises of matters which cause the uprising of individuals who
have the right mentality to join extremist groups to reach their ideals, is another
motivation which causes some individuals join these groups.” At the end of this
sitting, a Q&A session was held between the panel’s experts and the audience.