Statement of Palestinian Renaissance council
Statement of Palestinian Renaissance council
On 22 January, was taking Donald Trump officially presidency of the United States, bringing with him his threats to move his country's embassy from Tel occupier spring and called Zionist "Tel Aviv" to the Holy City of Jerusalem, in a move intended to devote the United States Jerusalem as the capital of the State of the occupation, "Israel" in violation rude and challenge to the international legitimacy resolutions, including UN Security Council resolution 2334 which renewed his confession in East Jerusalem is an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territory since 1967, and also of United Nations General Assembly resolution 19/67 in November 2012, which recognized the state of Palestine with its capital in East Jerusalem, borders June 4, 67 observer member in the international organization.
Here warns Palestinian Renaissance Council of the dangers of any misadventure consequences that could provide the new US president, Donald Trump, and we had to mention in this regard with a consequent provocative visit, and by the head of the occupation of former government of Ariel Sharon, leader of Israel's Likud Party along with six members of parliament loyal to him and dozens of its activists, the Temple Mount in September 2000 under the protection of more than two thousand Israeli soldiers, which sparked a wave of Palestinian of anger turned into violent clashes between thousands of Palestinians with Israeli soldiers, and that was the spark that It blew blessed al-Aqsa Intifada.
Palestinian Renaissance Council calls on the US president-elect to respect international law and international legitimacy resolutions, particularly Security Council Resolution 252 of 1968 and Resolution No. 267 of 1969 and Resolution No. 298 of 1971, which confirmed that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by "Israel", which, including the confiscation of land and property, which are designed to change the legal status of Jerusalem null and void. And it called on "Israel" to rescind all the measures already taken and to desist forthwith from taking any further actions, which tend to change the demographic status of the Holy City of Jerusalem.
In the opinion of the Palestinian Renaissance Council that the US administration is trying to submit it as a "compromise", through keeping the embassy in Tel Spring occupied "Tel Aviv" and the relocation of the work of Ambassador to the US Consulate in East Jerusalem, is nothing but an attempt to disparage the minds of our people and the world's peoples and nations and to get around reactions upcoming Palestinian, Arab and international levels.
We conclude our statement that a Palestinian response to step Trump that dared them, the implementation of the decisions of the Central Council issued on (03.05.2015), which provides for the cessation of security coordination with the occupation authorities, and the District of the Israeli economy, and support and develop resistance, and go to the United Nations and other international forums , including the international Criminal Court, to internationalize the issue of Palestinian national rights, and call on the international community to provide protection for our people and our land against the settlements and the occupation, and calling for an international conference under the auspices of the UN Security Council under international law to resolve our national cause decisions substitute for bilateral negotiations sterile older about a quarter of a century , which caused our people and their rights tremendous national disasters.
Long live Palestine free - Central Information Department 22/01/2017
The views expressed in this article are the author's opinion and do not necessarily reflect the views of the ODVV.
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