Opening of Rehabilitation Centres for Mother Addicts and Their Children

Blog ID : #2048
Publish Date : 10/21/2017 15:23
View Count : 1337
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Opening of Rehabilitation Centres for Mother...
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The secretary of the Tehran Province Fight against Drugs Commission gave news of the opening of 2 centres for the treatment of mother and child addicts in Tehran. These two centres are for addicted women who have children, and get treatment along with their children.

The reduction of the damages from drugs means that we must have services in the country of all user groups and for all use levels. And to receive damage reduction services, every individual damaged by addiction must have access to a centre in proportion with the damage extent. For all groups damaged by addiction and regardless of the number of population in need of these services, at least one structured centre must be active in the country so that in the second stage, for the volume of services provided and study of the number of individuals in need of these services, the number of centres must increase.

According to Mehrkhaneh’s report last week, the first rehabilitation for mother and child addicts with the capacity for 40 mothers and children was launched by the Rebirth Society in the country. The centre, which is the first of this kind in the country, is for mothers suffering from severe drug addiction and their children below six years old. “The centre gives children the chance to be with their mothers,” Labour Minister Ali Rabiei said.
This mother rehabilitation model is voluntary and 11,000,000 Rials per capita per month has been allocated for each mother and child. The resident doctor in this centre provides medical treatment too alongside counselling and rehabilitation. The centre also holds workshops to empower mothers and teach them skills to earn their living.

Regarding centres which were active prior to this Rabiei said that in these centres they used to separate suffering children from their mothers. Also in the area of pregnant women addicts, we did not have the facilities to keep the mothers and infants together. He expressed his hope over the increase of such centres across the country. We believe that model building with regards to the treatment of addicts is possible with the participation of NGOs and we must have one treatment centre for mother addicts in each province.

According to Tehran Times, the State Welfare Organization also inaugurated a rehabilitation centre for drug addicts below 18 years old. “The centre hosts teens who become addicts due to their family problems and environmental challenges.” SWO official Mohsen Roshanpajooh said in a press release.
“The centre accommodates 25 persons, providing patients and treatment periods from three months to six months to go through detox stages,” he explained. “Children who have their own families are treated at their homes and others are taken care of at the centre.” He explained.

“ Opening of Rehabilitation Centres for Mother Addicts and Their Children ”