Literacy rate has increased by 2.85% over 5 years
Literacy rate has increased by 2.85% over 5 years
Adult (15+) literacy rate is the percentage of the population age 15 and above who can, with understanding, read and write a short, simple statement on their everyday life. Generally, literacy also encompasses ‘numeracy’, the ability to make simple arithmetic calculations. The issue of literacy is a key component of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and its Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Studies show that educational attainment improved considerably in the Islamic Republic of Iran, over last 5 years and also the literacy gap between women and men has narrowed. Each year, 20% of government spending and 5% of GDP goes to education, a higher rate than most other developing countries.
According to Tehran Times Official figures released by the Statistical Center of Iran, published in March 2017, indicate that some 87.6 percent of the Iranian population aging over 6 are literate. The number reflects a 2.8-rise compared to the 2011 census results.
There are 781 million adults over the age of 15 estimated to be illiterate, of which 496 million were women, the World’s Women 2015 report found. Women made up more than half the illiterate population in all regions of the world. Moreover, as per another report by UNESCO, 250 million children are failing to acquire basic literacy skills. This results in an exclusion of low-literate and low-skilled youth and adults from full participation in their communities and societies.
Parents with little schooling, lack of books at home and lack of stimulation as to the importance of reading, doing badly at or dropping out of school, difficult living conditions, including poverty, learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, dysorthographia, etc. are the most frequent causes of illiteracy in adults.
Literacy is a driver for sustainable development in that it enables greater participation in the labor market; improved child and family health and nutrition; reduces poverty and expands life opportunities. “Education is every child’s fundamental right, but some children never find an opportunity to attend classes or drop out of school mainly because of poverty” said Baqerzadeh.
Education ministry in general and Literacy Movement Organization in particular, should adopt more effective policies and implement diverse and innovative measures until illiteracy is uprooted. Also private sector such as NGOs, charity organizations, and social relief clinics should play a more efficient role in helping the Literacy Movement Organization to improve the rate of literacy in the country.