Iranian Schools Opening Their Doors to 250,000 Afghan Refugees Children
Iranian Schools Opening Their Doors to 250,000...
Continuing on he said: "Throughout this period the UNHCR has tried to fulfill the basic needs of refugees through raising international funds, which has been commendable. But this is while Iran is now faced with a refugee population that as well asbasic needs such as health and basic education, and vaccinations, they also need secondary needs such as housing, income and employment, higher education and technical and professional training appropriate to the job market inside Afghanistan.
But in spite of al these problems, the Afghan refugees residing in Iran must have better living, and they are to enjoy the right to education and health, and the doors of Iranian schools are to open to 350,000 Afghan children that are deprived of education.
"No Afghan child, even illegal immigrants who are in Iran without any documentations, must not be deprived of education, and they must all register in Iranian schools".
This is the edict of the highest authority in Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, which was issued some time ago.
In line with this the Iranian deputy Education and Training minister in his meeting with the deputy executive director of Afghan government said: "after the issuance of this edict, the number of the registration of Afghan students in Iranian schools has increased by 10 percent, and is continuing." According to him these registrations include the children of illegal immigrants too. The Iranian education and training does not believe in discrimination between Iranian and Afghan students, and for this reason Afghan students will continue their education alongside Iranian students.