A Report of the Role of Bahrain in the Eradication of the Heritage of the Shia Community

Blog ID : #3746
Publish Date : 08/23/2023 16:46
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A Report of the Role of Bahrain in the...
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The Salam for Democracy and Human Rights NGO on 17 June 2023 in a released report entitled “Saasa Bin Sohan Mosque in Bahrain is deliberately being destroyed and neglected”, deals with the role of Bahrain authorities in the eradication of the heritage of the Shia community in the country.

The report highlights the continued destruction and the country’s authorities failure to protect the Saasa Bin Sohan Mosque, the oldest Islamic structure in the country. In fact, it is just one example of the important challenges that the Shia community are faced in the preservation of their cultural and religious heritage. The history of the mosque dates back to more than thirteen hundred years, but its increasing danger of destruction and eradication of one of the most important heritages of the Shia community of Bahrain by relevant authorities. The report adds that it is necessary for Bahrain authorities to take immediate action to prevent the destruction of the mosque and making it safe. According to this report, Seyed Abbas Sheibir, the head of religious freedom of Salam Organization said: “the report that is now being presented, shows the legal framework and international agreements that Bahrain is committed to, such as the Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage.” The report continues on and calls on the Bahrain authorities to take speedy action to stop the destruction of the mosque and protect it from any probable damage. Protection of cultural and religious heritage indicates the commitment of the state to cultural and religious rights of the people and the report believes that everyone should carry out their religious observations freely and amicably without attention to religious belongings. Also the report stresses on the commitment of Bahrain authorities to the constitution and local laws, and prevent the destruction of Shia Saasa Bin Sohan Mosque and protect their heritage.
Furthermore, the head of religious freedom of Salam Organization called on the Bahrain government to respond to the recommendations presented in the report and take necessary steps for the protection of important cultural heritage and guarantee freedom of worship for all. He also stressed on raising awareness and education of society on the importance of the protection of cultural heritage and promote cohabitation and conciliatory values among the individuals of society. The Organization’s report discusses the legal framework and refers to the Convention on Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage to which the Kingdom of Bahrain is a member of according to Edict 1 1991.



                                                                                           Saasa Bin Sohan  

“ A Report of the Role of Bahrain in the Eradication of the Heritage of the Shia Community ”