A Report of UN Special Rapporteur’s Request to Halt the Implementation of the Illegal...

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Publish Date : 08/20/2023 0:00
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A Report of UN Special Rapporteur’s Request to...
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On 20 June 2023 a number of UN special rapporteurs released a statement calling on the United Kingdom to take immediate action to suspend the application of the Illegal Immigration bill, and to conform its domestic laws in accordance with international human rights standards in support of migrants’ rights.

The statement reads as follows: “Any deportation policy is in direct breach of the UK’s commitments and obligations under international human rights and refugee law if it fails to provide for due process safeguards, individualised risk assessments, asylum procedures and adequate protection measures,” the UN experts said. A number of amendments from the House of Lords, including restrictions on the detention of children and inadmissibility of asylum claims, and safeguards for victims of human trafficking and modern slavery, were overturned by the House of Commons earlier this week, ending the series of readings and votes between the Lords and Commons – and paving the way for the Bill to receive Royal Assent and become law. “The Illegal Migration Bill gives the Home Secretary unprecedented powers to make arrangements for the detention and deportation of migrants who enter the country irregularly and meet the conditions laid down in the new law, regardless of their protection needs and individual circumstances,” the experts said.
The Bill would establish new detention powers in relation to irregular migration with limited judicial oversight; restrict certain legal challenges and human rights arguments to prevent deportation; fail to make provision for unaccompanied children, pregnant women and victims of slavery or human trafficking; ban people subject to deportation from re-entering the UK or applying for UK citizenship in the future; extend the list of safe third countries; and set an annual cap on the number of people who can enter the UK through “safe and legal” routes. “We are deeply concerned that the provisions of this policy would severely restrict access to UK territory for those in need of international protection,” the UN experts said.
They stressed that the current approach, which focuses on punitive measures, fails to address the root causes of migration and leaves many people in a state of perpetual limbo, with no means of ensuring their safety and guaranteeing their rights. “Vulnerable people could be exposed to further harm and risks, including exploitation, trafficking including for purposes of forced labour and sexual exploitation, arbitrary detention, torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment. The new policy is likely to fuel hostility, xenophobia and discrimination against migrants, asylum-seekers, and refugees,” the experts said. They warned that the implementation of the new law could seriously erode and undermine the right to seek asylum and the prohibition of refoulement, the right to liberty, the prohibition of collective expulsions, and the rights and best interests of the child.
“The detention of any adult migrant should be a measure of last resort, used only for legitimate purposes, for the shortest period of time and only when no other appropriate non-custodial alternatives are available,” the experts said. They urged the Government to repeal this legislation swiftly, take immediate steps to halt any implementation plans and engage in genuine dialogue. They also advised the UK to consult OHCHR’s Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights at International Borders.

The signatories of the statement are as follows:
- Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants
- Special Rapporteur on Human Trafficking, Especially Women and Children
- Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women and Girls
- Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Behaviour
- Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism
- Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery



“ A Report of UN Special Rapporteur’s Request to Halt the Implementation of the Illegal Migration Bill on Britain ”