Continuation of Extensive Human rights Violations in Saudi Arabia

Blog ID : #675
Publish Date : 06/08/2016 10:14
View Count : 1423
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Executions continue in Saudi Arabia, and following the execution of 47 people, including Sheikh Nimr, that took place early in 2016, which was met with extensive international condemnations, no change has taken place in this process.

Based on warnings, it is feared that it is expected that Saudi Arabia’s execution figures for the first six months of 2016 will reach to 100 people. In 2015 this country issued 158 death sentences, and has one of the highest global figures for executions. It seems every two days one person has been executed in the Kingdom in this current year. Comparison between 2015 and the first half of 2016, the figures for executions have increased by 68 percent. International human rights organizations such as Amnesty International believe that these sentences have been issued in unfair trials without consideration of international standards, at times with political motives, and the continuation of violation of international laws.
Some of the going concerns in this regard is the Saudi use of capital punishment to crack down on disgruntled Shia in the country. Following the political and unfair trial of Sheikh Nimr, Saudi Arabia sentenced three youth protesters to death. The execution of these youths is in conflict with this country’s international commitments and a violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Saudi Arabia’s anti-terror act which was adopted in 2014, clearly criminalises social protest, and violates fundamental civil rights. According to this law individuals can get executed on ambiguous charges such as incitement of people to take part in demonstrations, communication with groups or individuals that oppose the monarchy, or inviting people to blasphemous ideologies.
Violation of international laws in Saudi Arabia is not limited to the aforementioned. The thing that brings the discontent of the country’s minorities, the Shia in particular, is the extensive violation of economic, social and cultural rights and civil and political rights, which occurs in the extensive discrimination against minorities.
Minorities in the country are denied rights such as conducting religious ceremonies, construction and repair of places of worship, employment in the governmental sector, political participation and presence in decision making levels, fair treatment by the judiciary and the police, and human rights activists are severely punished.
These extensive human rights violations take place while the United Nations does not show any serious reactions. For example none of the Human Rights Council special procedures are not responsible to monitor these violations. The Kingdom is a UN member state, and even its ambassador in Geneva is the head of one of the Human Rights Council independent experts group.


“ Continuation of Extensive Human rights Violations in Saudi Arabia ”