Human Rights Day

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Publish Date : 12/07/2016 12:54
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Human Rights Day
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Stand up for someone's rights today!


Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December*. The date was chosen to honor the United Nations General Assembly's adoption and proclamation, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the first global enunciation of human rights and one of the first major achievements of the new United Nations. In 1950, the Assembly passed resolution 423 (V), inviting all States and interested organizations to observe 10 December of each year as Human Rights Day and it was the formal establishment of Human Rights Day.

When the General Assembly adopted the Declaration, with 48 states in favor and eight abstentions, it was proclaimed as a "common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations", towards which individuals and societies should "strive by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance".

Although the Declaration with its broad range of political, civil, social, cultural and economic rights is not a binding document, it inspired more than 60 human rights instruments which together constitute an international standard of human rights. Today the general consent of all United Nations Member States on the basic Human Rights laid down in the Declaration makes it even stronger and emphasizes the relevance of Human Rights in our daily lives.

The High Commissioner for Human Rights, as the main United Nations rights official, and his Office play a major role in coordinating efforts for the yearly observation of Human Rights Day. “On Human Rights Day, let us recommit to guaranteeing the fundamental freedoms and protecting the human rights of all." Said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
Human Rights day is normally marked both by high-level political conferences and meetings and by cultural events and exhibitions dealing with human rights issues. In addition it is traditionally on 10 December that the five-yearly United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights and Nobel Peace Prize are awarded.

This year’s Human Rights Day campaign, "Stand up for someone's rights today!" is based on the Declaration's fundamental proposition that each one of us - everywhere and at all times - is entitled to the full range of human rights, and that it's everyone's responsibility to uphold them. Take a stand. Defend someone's rights. Human rights belong equally to each of us. They bind us together as a global community. We must reaffirm our common humanity. Wherever we are, we can make a real difference. In the street, in school, at work, in public transport; in the voting booth, on social media.

Many of us are fearful about the way the world is heading. Disrespect for basic human rights continues to be wide-spread in all parts of the globe. Extremist movements subject people to horrific violence. Messages of intolerance and hatred prey on our fears. Humane values are under attack.

The time for this is now. “We the peoples” can take a stand for rights. And together, we can take a stand for more humanity. It starts with each of us. Step forward and defend the rights of a refugee or migrant, a person with disabilities, a woman, a child, indigenous peoples, a minority group, or anyone else at risk of discrimination or violence.

At last, here are a few ways you can stand up for rights:
1. Inform yourself and others about why human rights matter
- Read and share the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- Make and disseminate a video of yourself with a friend talking about why you believe human rights matter (e.g. non-discrimination, gender equality or freedom of expression).
- Promote stories on your social media about people that you know have stood up for rights.
2. Speak out/up when another’s rights are at risk or under attack
- If you see someone being harassed, bullied or ridiculed on the street, on public transportation, while shopping or at school, stand with them.
- Use social media to stand with people who are facing reprisals for defending human rights e.g. activists, indigenous leaders, environmentalists, lawyers, trade unionists, journalists, etc.
- At work, in school, around the dinner table, help someone whose voice is rarely heard to share their views.
3. Stand with others’ human rights
- Donate to organizations that support victims of human rights abuses.
- Join public events in support of human rights - online and/or in the street.
- Volunteer with a group that promotes human rights defenders.
4. Call on leaders to uphold human rights
- Lobby your government to uphold rights: sign related petitions; lobby your legislators to pass human-rights friendly laws and to repeal unfriendly ones.
- Urge your employer to sign up to the UN Global Compact and adhere to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; promote celebration of human rights in the work place (e.g. non-discrimination, family friendly policies, decent working conditions, equal pay for equal work).
- Urge your community’s leaders (e.g. religious, local, sporting, cultural leaders) to make public commitments to human rights.
5. In everyday life action
- Combat myths with facts: in online and daily conversations, challenge harmful stereotypes.
- Speak up for tolerance and against prejudice. Keep yourself in check, challenge your own views and prejudices.
- Consider the human rights track record of companies before doing your shopping.
- Talk to your children about human rights and point out positive and diverse role models.


*In South Africa, Human Rights Day is celebrated on 21 March, in remembrance of the Sharpeville massacre which took place on 21 March 1960


quoted and edited by: Negar paidar

“ Human Rights Day ”