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Page 8 of 33 | Total Records : 645 | 140 - 160
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  - Demolition of Palestinian village of Khan al-Ahmar is cruel blow and war crime
Demolition of Palestinian village of Khan...
Monday’s planned demolition of a West Bank village and forcible transfer of its residents to make way for illegal Jewish settlements is a war crime that lays...
  - Digital Apartheid: Israeli Targeting of Journalists
Digital Apartheid: Israeli Targeting of...
The Journalist Support Committee (JSC) said it has documented 61 Israeli violations against journalists in the occupied Palestinian territories during July.
  - Displacement Crisis in Iraq
Displacement Crisis in Iraq
Displacement and homelessness in Iraq is not limited to the recent years and especially with the start of the internal conflict.
  - Domestic violence against women in France
Domestic violence against women in France
In 2019, the number of women killed by their partner or ex-partner in France rose by a fifth. There were more than 200,000 reports of women being abused at...
  - Donald Trump is a Threat to World Peace
Donald Trump is a Threat to World Peace
One cannot understand the state of the world and the threats to the future of humanity without a sharp eye on the US. With the largest economy and half of...
  - Donald Trump's Muslim ban: Smoke and mirrors
Donald Trump's Muslim ban: Smoke and mirrors
While the order doesn't bar all Muslims from entering the US, barring immigration entry from seven majority-Muslim countries, especially when paired with his...
  - Economic Sanctions and Human Rights
Economic Sanctions and Human Rights
Multilateral and unilateral economic sanctions imposed on Iran are contrary to the following principle of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The...
  - Economic Sanctions Violate Human Rights
Economic Sanctions Violate Human Rights
Like wars, climate change, and economic disruption of all kinds, sanctions do tremendous damage to vulnerable people. The difference is that economic...
  - Elites Want More Refugees: Why?
Elites Want More Refugees: Why?
There is much being written about the refugee crisis in Europe at the moment but none of what I have read explains why the problem is occurring and what will...
  - EU Adds Saudi Arabia to Draft Terrorism Financing List
EU Adds Saudi Arabia to Draft Terrorism...
Saudi Arabia missed out on gaining full FATF membership in September after it was determined to fall short in "combating money laundering and terrorist...
Page 8 of 33 | Total Records : 645 | 140 - 160