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  - Counting the cost of financial warfare
Counting the cost of financial warfare
The overuse of financial sanctions has spurred Russia, China, and now the EU to work on alternative institutions that would place their companies outside the...
  - The British modern slavery victims
The British modern slavery victims
The number of British people identified as modern slavery victims has surged by 72 per cent in a year, according to figures, fuelling concerns about “county...
  - A Year after Khashoggi’s Murder
A Year after Khashoggi’s Murder
In a symbolic and impressive action, activists in the Netherlands renamed the street where the Saudi embassy in The Hague is located to honor journalist...
  - Girl Force: Unscripted and Unstoppable
Girl Force: Unscripted and Unstoppable
"We need to uphold the equal rights, voices and influence of girls in our families, communities and nations. Girls can be powerful agents of change, and...
Page 13 of 32 | Total Records : 639 | 240 - 260