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  - ODVV Interview: The Decline of us Helmed Hegemony and the Emergence of a Mutlpolar World
ODVV Interview: The Decline of us Helmed...
Unilateral sanctions imposed by the US upon various countries are a blatant violation of human rights. We know from the experiences of so many countries that...
  - Systemic Racism Continues to Infect US
Systemic Racism Continues to Infect US
The engrained policies in the United States have disproportionately harmed non-white racial groups, especially Black Americans, including those leading to...
  - ODVV Interview: Poorer nations are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change
ODVV Interview: Poorer nations are more...
World Bank has projected that by 2030, climate change could force more than 132 million people into extreme poverty, and without adequate adaptation...
  - ODVV Interview: Empowering women will be crucial in combating climate change
ODVV Interview: Empowering women will be...
Described by the United Nations as the most immediate human rights threat globally, climate change has already put more than 1 million species at risk of...