Yemen is on the verge of a devastating famine as it continues to endure Saudi coalition airstrikes. Despite this, most of the criticism levied at the Kingdom...
Two months have passed since the controversial announcement of the inclusion of the names of Saudi Arabia and its coalition in the UN black list of countries...
According to the 2020 Human Rights Watch report, suppression and abuse of power is continuing in different countries. Human rights situation is deteriorating...
Around 80 per cent of the Yemeni population need humanitarian assistance.More than half of Yemen’s hospitals and clinics have been destroyed or closed, the...
While Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman continues to present himself as a reformer, peaceful human rights activism that calls for reforms continues to be...
While under international humanitarian law civilians must be protected during conflict, Riyadh operations centre says the strike was a 'legitimate military...
On 6 March 2015, the Saudi led coalition, alongside the west and other regional Arab nations began its military intervention on the pretext of reinstating...
“The United States government should impose sanctions against the Crown Prince, as it has done for the other perpetrators – targeting his personal assets but...
Saudi Arabia is demolishing centuries-old homes in a Shiite town, leveling a historic district that officials say has become a hideout for local militants....
"We should not allow more casualties to occur, and by strengthening multilateral dialogue, we can be involved, and through multilateral dialogue, I think we...
The prominent human rights defender Sheikh Maitham Al Salman told Le Monde, one the most important French newspapers that the prosecution of the Shia...
How many victims of silence there are, and at what cost! Silence has its laws and its demands... Silence demands that its enemies disappear suddenly and...
Regarding the child marriage phenomenon, the director general of East Azerbaijan Provincial Government’s Women and Family Affairs said: “We have had...
Member of the Parliament’s Budget Integration Commission gave news of attention to the social insurance of women, with the supervision of the Imam Khomeini...
Social networks provide new opportunities for civil society so that they can promote the social demands to reach better human conditions and improvement of...