The Trump administration’s announced action against the International Criminal Court (ICC) escalates its efforts to thwart justice for victims of serious...
Newly obtained Pentagon documents show that US airstrikes have been marked by "deeply flawed intelligence" and resulted in thousands of civilian deaths in...
“Europe refuses to allow the US to be the trade policeman of the world,” said Bruno Le Maire, economy minister, in an interview in Brussels. The spat over...
Firearms deaths are a fixture in American life. There were 1.5 million of them between 1968 and 2017 - that's higher than the number of soldiers killed in...
Democrats on Capitol Hill are pushing back on the Trump administration’s plan to unveil stepped-up sanctions against Iran urging the outgoing president to...
US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley announced the United States is withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council Tuesday, accusing the body of...
The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has called on the Biden administration to “end US COVID-19 asylum restrictions” and restore access to asylum “for...
The human rights violations of the Muslim minority in Myanmar was one of the issues that stirred up the emotions of the world Muslim community, particularly...
According to breakdown and analysis of murders of men between 2012 and 2018, researchers have found that 8 percent of these killings were committed by the...
The experts urged governments to ensure that adequately staffed and equipped child protection services and law enforcement are available and accessible to...
Every girl and every woman has the right to a safer, fairer, more just world. Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread violations of...
“The findings of this report must pave the way for justice for victims of war crimes, and break the long-standing cycle of impunity for serious violations of...
“The pandemic has not discouraged extremists from propagating their hateful ideologies. On the contrary, they have, as is always the case in a crisis, fully...