UN human rights offices in Mexico and Central America have documented numerous violations and abuses against migrants and refugees in transit, including the...
Learn to shoot like a soldier, ride a camel or take a tour of historic sites – all on stolen land! Thanks to help from TripAdvisor, these are all activities...
The use of economic sanctions for political purposes violates human rights and the norms of international behaviour. Such action may precipitate man-made...
At the heart of what Israel is trying to do is preventing citizens across the world responding to the legitimate call from Palestinians for peaceful action...
Sweden arms sales to Saudi Arabia reportedly approached six billion Swedish kronor ($741mn) between 2010 and 2016. It means the arms deal have continued...
“The vital and legitimate humanitarian work of Scott Warren and No More Deaths upholds the right to life and prevents the deaths of migrants and asylum...
The UK prides itself as a global leader in the fight against torture. However, a culture of tolerance to ill-treatment and even torture has developed in the...
Saudi Arabia has committed numerous violations of international humanitarian law not only in neighboring countries like Iraq, Yemen and Bahrain but inside...
Criminal defamation laws that inhibit legitimate criticism of public officials are contrary to the right to freedom of expression and must be repealed. The...
Trump generally is not well-regarded or respected by US allies in Europe or Asia, and the withdrawal from the JCPOA and sanctions against Iran are a major...
"The implications of the US withdrawal are disastrous. I think they are meant to stir up conflict in the Middle East, deliberately and provocatively." said...
“Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and the Occupied Palestinian Territories are trapped in a cycle of deprivation and systematic discrimination with no...
With a deranged president in the White House, one had hoped that the British government could assert a degree of independence. The evidence suggests otherwise.
"This proposed legislation would be contrary to the values of diversity, acceptance, tolerance and respect for individual rights and religious freedoms,"
A classified document of the French government has revealed that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirate are massively using French-made weaponry in the...
“Arbitrarily stripping people of their citizenship and rendering citizens stateless are blatant violations of international law. Bahrain’s authorities must...
The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda’s visa revocation underscores the existing systematic inequality in international...