“These shocking new numbers suggest that US authorities have either misinformed the public about how many families they had forcibly separated, or they...
it's shameful that some European countries and the United States export arms to countries such as Bahrain, which don't respect human rights and use these...
The disappearance, and possible murder, of Jamal Khashoggi, a high-profile critic of the Saudi regime, is the latest, disturbing addition to the rising toll...
Most of the time, US sanctions have sought to coerce another state to submit to the will of the US. Sanctions are directed towards perpetuating US hegemony...
Monday’s planned demolition of a West Bank village and forcible transfer of its residents to make way for illegal Jewish settlements is a war crime that lays...
Bahraini prisoners suffering cancer, multiple sclerosis and sickle-cell anaemia do not have access to medical care, Amnesty International said Friday,...
The deaths of six Palestinians within just 24 hours is a horrific demonstration of the unnecessary or excessive force deployed by Israeli forces against...
In another blow to the UK government’s record on bulk data handling for intelligence purposes the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that state...
While the United Arab Emirates strives to build an image of a modern and liberal state, human rights violations in the country continue to be ignored or...
Many observers believe the US sanctions run contrary to the principles of human rights as they make the life difficult for ordinary citizens and complicate...
The United States of America is the biggest imposer of economic sanctions. According to the US Department of Treasury, the United States currently has...
Human Rights Watch notes in its 2017 report that the government of UAE has continued to ban the representatives of international human rights organizations...
While under international humanitarian law civilians must be protected during conflict, Riyadh operations centre says the strike was a 'legitimate military...
From arbitrary detentions and deliberate deprivation, to attacks against civilians and forced displacements, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid...
A report on modern slavery around the world has found that the number of slaves in developed nations, including the United States and United Kingdom, is much...