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 S-AZ-S-AZ-S-AZ-islamophobia - Islamophobia is a Result of Structural Discrimination Stemming from Negative Stereotypes
Islamophobia is a Result of Structural...
Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks and other horrific acts of terrorism purportedly carried out in the name of Islam, institutional suspicion of Muslims...
 S-AZ-S-AZ-S-AZ-islamophobia - ODVV Interview: There are links between anti-immigrant attitudes and anti-Muslim prejudice
ODVV Interview: There are links between...
The current spate of Islamophobia has been fed by populist politics from Donald Trump to Narendra Modi. In Europe, far-right anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim...
 S-AZ-S-AZ-S-AZ-islamophobia - ODVV interview: Brexit was a symptom of post-imperial melancholy in Britain
ODVV interview: Brexit was a symptom of...
I believe education has a crucial role to play in helping to bridge racial and religious divides. I cannot stress the importance of religious education as a...
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