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 S_AZ-S-AZ-Yemen - Geography of Shia Killing
Geography of Shia Killing
This report aims to cast a quick glance at a few examples of countries where Shia minorities or even majorities are target of massacre, restrictions and acts...
 S_AZ-S-AZ-Yemen - The Bells of Hunger Can Be Heard in Yemen
The Bells of Hunger Can Be Heard in Yemen
The historical experience, particularly the dominant atmosphere in today’s world, indicates that human communities cannot escape armed conflicts, and...
 S_AZ-S-AZ-Yemen - Saudi Arabia’s Activities in Yemen and International Human Rights Mechanisms
Saudi Arabia’s Activities in Yemen and...
Two months have passed since the controversial announcement of the inclusion of the names of Saudi Arabia and its coalition in the UN black list of countries...
 S_AZ-S-AZ-Yemen - Impact of Armed Conflicts on children
Impact of Armed Conflicts on children
The consequences of violent conflict are profound and far-reaching. Modern technologies of war give armies the capacity to kill scores of people brutally.
 S_AZ-S-AZ-Yemen - Yemen: Where Humanity is Flaunted
Yemen: Where Humanity is Flaunted
In an exceptional presentation on 31 October 2015, at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the President of the...
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Page 4 of 4 | Total Records : 72 | 60 - 72