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 S-ZA-S-AZ-Sanctions - ODVV Interview: The Decline of us Helmed Hegemony and the Emergence of a Mutlpolar World
ODVV Interview: The Decline of us Helmed...
Unilateral sanctions imposed by the US upon various countries are a blatant violation of human rights. We know from the experiences of so many countries that...
 S-ZA-S-AZ-Sanctions - ODVV Interview with Prof. Douhan (Part: 2)
ODVV Interview with Prof. Douhan (Part: 2)
"I can say the recent materials clearly show that even the nationals and companies of countries which impose unilateral sanctions also become affected...
 S-ZA-S-AZ-Sanctions - ODVV Interview: Addressing climate change requires the adoption of a climate justice lens
ODVV Interview: Addressing climate change...
Some governments resist the transition to a clean economy either because the costs of switching to renewable sources of energy are prohibitively high –...
 S-ZA-S-AZ-Sanctions - Economic Sanctions Violate Human Rights
Economic Sanctions Violate Human Rights
Like wars, climate change, and economic disruption of all kinds, sanctions do tremendous damage to vulnerable people. The difference is that economic...
 S-ZA-S-AZ-Sanctions - U.S. sanctions on Iran are an act of war
U.S. sanctions on Iran are an act of war
The recent U.S. unilateral financial sanctions are cutting off Iranian banks from the international banking system, thereby making import of medicine and...
 S-ZA-S-AZ-Sanctions - Sanctions are bringing suffering and death
Sanctions are bringing suffering and death
A group of independent human rights experts at the United Nations have called on countries to lift -or at the very least, ease - sanctions to allow affected...
"In viewing the covid-19 pandemic through the prism of international power politics, Western governments, political observers and media pundits have not only...
 S-ZA-S-AZ-Sanctions - Human Rights experts are calling for the lifting of sanctions
Human Rights experts are calling for the...
"Sanctioned countries are especially hard-hit as they cannot use their revenues to purchase imports of equipment, medicines, antiviral and food from global...
 S-ZA-S-AZ-Sanctions - Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement
Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement
Deputy Minister of Health and Medical Education Karim Hemmati said that Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement cannot help solve the problem of US sanctions...
 S-ZA-S-AZ-Sanctions - ODVV interview: The human impacts of the sanctions need to be studied and broadcast
ODVV interview: The human impacts of the...
"One should be clear that this is not merely US unilateralism, but the attempted unilateralism of the imperialist bloc. This bloc’s instruments are trade and...
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