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 food - 16-Year-Gaza Blockade, Prevention of Humanitarian Aid and the Geneva Four Conventions
16-Year-Gaza Blockade, Prevention of...
The escalation of the 16-year siege by Israel and continued occupation has denied Gaza’s 2.2 million population's access to food, water, fuel, utilities and...
 food - ODVV Interview: Poorer nations are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change
ODVV Interview: Poorer nations are more...
World Bank has projected that by 2030, climate change could force more than 132 million people into extreme poverty, and without adequate adaptation...
 food - U.S. sanctions on Iran are an act of war
U.S. sanctions on Iran are an act of war
The recent U.S. unilateral financial sanctions are cutting off Iranian banks from the international banking system, thereby making import of medicine and...