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 Journalist - Digital Apartheid: Israeli Targeting of Journalists
Digital Apartheid: Israeli Targeting of...
The Journalist Support Committee (JSC) said it has documented 61 Israeli violations against journalists in the occupied Palestinian territories during July.
 Journalist - Repression in Saudi Arabia in full force
Repression in Saudi Arabia in full force
“Saudi Arabia cannot rehabilitate its international image so long as it harasses, arrests, and tortures its critics into submission or makes them flee abroad”
 Journalist - Journalism remains a dangerous profession
Journalism remains a dangerous profession
About 80 journalists a year have lost their lives on average over the last 20 years. A webinar has been held by an Iranian NGO, the International...
 Journalist - UN member states must end their deafening silence on Saudi Arabia
UN member states must end their deafening...
“UN member states must end their deafening silence on Saudi Arabia and do their duty of scrutinizing the cruelty in the kingdom in order to prevent further...
 Journalist - What happened to Jamal Khashoggi?  Saudi Arabia: “dog ate my homework”!
What happened to Jamal Khashoggi? Saudi...
The disappearance, and possible murder, of Jamal Khashoggi, a high-profile critic of the Saudi regime, is the latest, disturbing addition to the rising toll...