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 Donald-Trump - The Dangerous Soleimani Legal Opinions
The Dangerous Soleimani Legal Opinions
"That military operation had many long-term consequences. One of the most dangerous is a set of extreme legal opinions drafted during the Trump...
 Donald-Trump - Trump Administration Considers Labeling Humanitarian Groups ‘Anti-Semitic’
Trump Administration Considers Labeling...
The Trump administration is considering labeling some of the most prominent humanitarian organizations in the world, including Amnesty International, Human...
 Donald-Trump - The U.S. is complicit in war crimes in Yemen
The U.S. is complicit in war crimes in Yemen
The Trump administration argues that its partnership with Saudi Arabia helps reduce civilian killings in Yemen. But State Department investigators and other...
 Donald-Trump - Sanctions are bringing suffering and death
Sanctions are bringing suffering and death
A group of independent human rights experts at the United Nations have called on countries to lift -or at the very least, ease - sanctions to allow affected...
 Donald-Trump - ODVV interview: Systemic racism in the US assumes a variety of covert and overt forms
ODVV interview: Systemic racism in the US...
"All American citizens do not equally encounter police violence and extra-judicial killings. Many police officers around the country are never prosecuted for...
 Donald-Trump - Trump seeks new arms deal with Saudi Arabia
Trump seeks new arms deal with Saudi Arabia
The Trump administration is pursuing a new deal to provide precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia, as prior sales to the kingdom are facing new scrutiny.
 Donald-Trump - Human Rights experts are calling for the lifting of sanctions
Human Rights experts are calling for the...
"Sanctioned countries are especially hard-hit as they cannot use their revenues to purchase imports of equipment, medicines, antiviral and food from global...
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