Reuters reported that the Biden administration is discussing lifting the ban on US sales of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia. Such a decision could increase...
The violent siege on the U.S. Capitol earlier this month provided the clearest evidence yet that far-right extremism is deeply entrenched across the country.
The Trump administration is considering labeling some of the most prominent humanitarian organizations in the world, including Amnesty International, Human...
The Trump administration argues that its partnership with Saudi Arabia helps reduce civilian killings in Yemen. But State Department investigators and other...
The United States State Department's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has found the administration of President Donald Trump skirted laws regulating US...
A group of independent human rights experts at the United Nations have called on countries to lift -or at the very least, ease - sanctions to allow affected...
"All American citizens do not equally encounter police violence and extra-judicial killings. Many police officers around the country are never prosecuted for...
The Trump administration’s announced action against the International Criminal Court (ICC) escalates its efforts to thwart justice for victims of serious...
The Trump administration is pursuing a new deal to provide precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia, as prior sales to the kingdom are facing new scrutiny.
More than 150 years after the 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States, most U.S. adults say the legacy of slavery continues to have an impact...
A policy of depriving Iran of assistance in the fight against COVID-19 when neither a treatment nor a cure or vaccine exist – and when USA leads the world in...
President Trump and his top aides are working behind the scenes to sideline the World Health Organization on several new fronts as they seek to shift blame...
"Sanctioned countries are especially hard-hit as they cannot use their revenues to purchase imports of equipment, medicines, antiviral and food from global...
More than 300 non-governmental organizations refer to the outbreak of the Coronavirus in Iran and the death of citizens as well as a number of doctors,...
Prisons, jails, and immigration detention centers should also take steps to ensure they are appropriately coordinating with public health departments and...
The United States accounts for just 4% of the world’s population but 35% of global firearm suicides and 9% of global firearm homicides. 1,500 children are...