Almost every major Western nation has a sizeable BDS movement. There are strong BDS campaigns in Africa and South America. The United States has repeatedly...
Unlawful “annexation” plan promotes ‘law of the jungle’ and must be stopped. Annexation is the claim to acquire territory by force and is a flagrant...
As the world’s attention is turned to fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, the Palestinian people under occupation face an additional crisis — the threat of...
"Clearly Israel and its supporters in the United States are trying to conflate BDS with anti-Semitism, but I believe this unfounded slander is already in the...
Despite sustained engagement by UNICEF and repeated calls to end night arrests and ill treatment and torture of Palestinian children in Israeli military...
Prisons, jails, and immigration detention centers should also take steps to ensure they are appropriately coordinating with public health departments and...
After lengthy delays, the United Nations finally published a database of businesses that have been profiting from Israel’s illegal settlement activity in the...
Most countries and organizations around the world have rejected US President Donald Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ and reiterated that the Israeli-Palestinian...
The Zionist movement need to erase the very existence of the Palestinian people. After the establishment of the Israeli state, its leaders never made it a...
Palestinian property rights, Palestinian housing rights and Palestinian community rights are insecure, they’re under threat and they amount, as the UN has...
It seems crazy to announce a “deal of the century” to the outside world when one of the main parties impacted by it, namely the Palestinian people, in Gaza,...
The Palestinians have maintained a steadfast commitment to their liberation and right of return for over seventy years and they’re not about to surrender all...
At the heart of what Israel is trying to do is preventing citizens across the world responding to the legitimate call from Palestinians for peaceful action...
As described by many scholars and researchers, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the world’s most controversial conflict and the last colonial war of the...
“Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and the Occupied Palestinian Territories are trapped in a cycle of deprivation and systematic discrimination with no...