more than 16,000 Palestinians have lost their lives as a result of continuous and deadly Israeli attacks. The main victims of this war are women and...
The number of British people identified as modern slavery victims has surged by 72 per cent in a year, according to figures, fuelling concerns about “county...
After almost three decades since the end of the Iran-Iraq War in 1988, Iran’s border regions with Iraq are still polluted with mines, which has been and is...
Human trafficking is a crime that exploits women, children and men for numerous purposes including forced labour and sex. Human trafficking involves...
Torture seeks to annihilate the victim’s personality and denies the inherent dignity of the human being. The United Nations has condemned torture from the...
On 23 December 2003, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution (A/RES/58/234) designating 7 April, the start date of the 1994 genocide in...