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 S-AZ-S-AZ-Iran - The Dangerous Soleimani Legal Opinions
The Dangerous Soleimani Legal Opinions
"That military operation had many long-term consequences. One of the most dangerous is a set of extreme legal opinions drafted during the Trump...
 S-AZ-S-AZ-Iran - ODVV Interview with Prof. Douhan (Part: 2)
ODVV Interview with Prof. Douhan (Part: 2)
"I can say the recent materials clearly show that even the nationals and companies of countries which impose unilateral sanctions also become affected...
 S-AZ-S-AZ-Iran - Economic Sanctions Violate Human Rights
Economic Sanctions Violate Human Rights
Like wars, climate change, and economic disruption of all kinds, sanctions do tremendous damage to vulnerable people. The difference is that economic...
 S-AZ-S-AZ-Iran - Happy Persian New Year
Happy Persian New Year
Nowruz starts on the day of the vernal equinox, and marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It promotes values of peace and solidarity...
 S-AZ-S-AZ-Iran - U.S. sanctions on Iran are an act of war
U.S. sanctions on Iran are an act of war
The recent U.S. unilateral financial sanctions are cutting off Iranian banks from the international banking system, thereby making import of medicine and...
 S-AZ-S-AZ-Iran - Journalism remains a dangerous profession
Journalism remains a dangerous profession
About 80 journalists a year have lost their lives on average over the last 20 years. A webinar has been held by an Iranian NGO, the International...
"In viewing the covid-19 pandemic through the prism of international power politics, Western governments, political observers and media pundits have not only...
 S-AZ-S-AZ-Iran - Human Rights experts are calling for the lifting of sanctions
Human Rights experts are calling for the...
"Sanctioned countries are especially hard-hit as they cannot use their revenues to purchase imports of equipment, medicines, antiviral and food from global...
 S-AZ-S-AZ-Iran - Nowruz, the Persian New Year
Nowruz, the Persian New Year
Nowruz marks the first day of spring and is celebrated on the day of the astronomical vernal equinox, which usually occurs on 21 March. It is celebrated as...
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