Freedom of Expression Monitors Issue Joint Declaration on ‘Fake News’, Disinformation...

News ID : #1214
Publish Date : 03/04/2017 13:42
View Count : 1230
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Freedom of Expression Monitors Issue Joint...
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“Fake news” has emerged as a global topic of concern and there is a risk that efforts to counter it could lead to censorship

Geneva/Vienna – Leading monitors of freedom of expression around the world have come together to issue a Joint Declaration on freedom of expression, focusing this year on so-called fake news, disinformation and propaganda.

The action was taken by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye, along with his counterparts from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the Organization of American States (OAS), and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR).

Mr Kaye says: “Fake news” has emerged as a global topic of concern and there is a risk that efforts to counter it could lead to censorship, the suppression of critical thinking and other approaches contrary to human rights law. In this Joint Declaration, we identify general principles that should apply to any efforts to deal with these issues.”

The Declaration identifies the applicable human rights standards, encourages the promotion of diversity and plurality in the media, and emphasizes the particular roles played by digital intermediaries as well as journalists and media outlets.

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“ Freedom of Expression Monitors Issue Joint Declaration on ‘Fake News’, Disinformation and Propaganda ”