189% increase in managerial jobs for women: labor minister

News ID : #1240
Publish Date : 03/08/2017 12:50
View Count : 1782
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The number of managerial jobs women have taken on since the administration of President Hassan Rouhani took office in August 2013 has increased by 189 percent, labor minister Ali Rabiei said in Tehran on Monday.

“President [Rouhani] has urged ministers several times to observe gender equality regarding jobs, so women should not be deprived of jobs in equal situations just because of their gender,” ISNA quoted Rabiei as saying.

“Extremist feminism viewpoints are sensitive subjects. Instead of paying attention to them, we should focus on [removing] obstacles hindering women’s presence in the society and modifying structures.”

“We are pursuing a new welfare policy to empower women among local communities,” he said, adding, “We should not see women just as good employees. They can be also good managers and entrepreneurs. We help develop production activities and job creation by placing the priority on underprivileged regions, villages, and small cities.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Rabiei referred to the pace of social developments in Iran, saying that by the next 20 years the number of unmarried old women will increase. “The situation should be remedied and we have to make social structures prepared.”

The median age of first entry for women to the job market has decreased from 29 to 26, the minister highlighted.




“ 189% increase in managerial jobs for women: labor minister ”