US attack on Syrian airbase: Commitment on Syrian refugees vital if Trump truly cares...

News ID : #1386
Publish Date : 04/12/2017 13:31
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US attack on Syrian airbase: Commitment on...
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President Donald Trump said that the attack was prompted by concern for the lives of Syrian civilians, but his administration has shown callous disregard for Syrians attempting to flee for their lives. He must immediately revoke the Muslim travel ban and end restrictions on refugees from Syria, fleeing the horrors at home.

In response to last night’s United States airstrikes against a Syrian army airbase in Homs, three days after a chemical weapons attack killed more than 80 civilians in Idleb province, Margaret Huang, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA, said:

“President Donald Trump said that the attack was prompted by concern for the lives of Syrian civilians, but his administration has shown callous disregard for Syrians attempting to flee for their lives. He must immediately revoke the Muslim travel ban and end restrictions on refugees from Syria, fleeing the horrors at home.

“US forces also must strictly adhere to their obligations under international humanitarian law and take all possible measures to protect the civilian population when carrying out military action, including by refraining from using internationally banned weapons, such as cluster munitions. Recent airstrikes by the US-led coalition in Iraq and Syria have killed hundreds of civilians, many of whom were women and children trapped inside their houses.

“The United Nations Security Council has been unable to protect civilians in Syria for the past six years. It has emboldened all parties to the conflict in Syria to commit appalling crimes with impunity. It is imperative for member states to adopt a resolution that would ensure an investigation on the ground into the chemical attack that took place in Khan Sheikhoun and that would facilitate bringing perpetrators of such crimes to justice.”




“ US attack on Syrian airbase: Commitment on Syrian refugees vital if Trump truly cares about civilians ”