International Day of Non-Violence Commemorated at the ODVV
International Day of Non-Violence Commemorated...
On the occasion of the International Day of Non-Violence a workshop was held at the ODVV on the subject of "Prevention of Violence.
According to ODVV public relations, the workshop began with the reading of the UN Secretary-General's message for the day by Mohammad Ali Rajaee Moghadam from UNIC in Iran.
The Secretary-General's message is as follows:
"On this International Day of Non-Violence, we commemorate the philosophy of the late Mahatma Gandhi, who through his example proved that peaceful protests could accomplish much more than military aggression.
The principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, the year of Gandhi’s death, owe much to his beliefs.
At this time of increased sectarian violence and the wanton destruction of cultural sites and heritage, it is timely to recall Gandhi’s call for peace and reconciliation, and his warning that, “An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind.”
We have to foster a culture of peace, built on dialogue and understanding, for living together in harmony while respecting and celebrating humanity’s rich diversity.
There is no greater tool than education to enhance human dignity, promote a culture of non-violence, and build lasting peace. Through education, we can craft new ways of living with each other and the planet. Education can also lay the foundation for developing new forms of global citizenship and solidarity that are so essential in today’s world.
On this Day, I call on all people to counter the forces of intolerance, advance global citizenship and forge human solidarity based on Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence."
Following this the workshop on Prevention of Violence was held by Ms. Monireh Arezoomandi. She said: "The family is the first unit in which the attachments of a child are shaped and defined, have significant effects on how individuals learn to establish violence free relations."
Prevention methods in support of individuals who are threatened by violent relations was another subject of this workshop.
Also having a non-violent relationship was the final part of this workshop which was designed and briefed by this invited expert.