Report: Prevention of Domestic Violence & Life Skills Training for Afghan Refugees in...

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Publish Date : 08/27/2014 0:00
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Report: Prevention of Domestic Violence & Life...
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This project began its work in March/April 2014 through the tripartite agreement between the ODVV, BAFIA and UNHCR. The project was designed with the aim of prevention of domestic violence.

This project began its work in March/April 2014 through the tripartite agreement between the ODVV, BAFIA and UNHCR. The project was designed with the aim of prevention of domestic violence.
Phase one: The project kick started with the provision of resources determination of training and evaluation method and invitation of the addressees. The training method of the course was set as training of peers and in workshop method. The evaluation method was selected to be in the form of pre and post tests and a general survey in the end.
Following a written test and interview 80 individuals were selected for direct training as the addressees of the course and these 80 trained 400 of their peers via peer training.
Phase two: was the implementation of the training of peer educators and the conducting of pre and post tests. In this phase the project concentrated on the 10 skills of life and self help via the workshop method. These trainings took place from 7 till 28 June.
The training subjects of the course were as follows:

Characteristics of a healthy family (usual and acceptable judgment of power)
- Existence of clear boundaries
- Performance in the present
- Conversation skills
- Respect to individual selection
- Expression of positive feelins

Life Skills
- Expression of existence
- Feeling of self control
- Suitable confrontation with stressful situations methods
- Tolerance in the family

- Confronting usual problems and stresses

- Definition of mourning
- Its stages
- How to face mourning

Self help
- Setting crucial life objectives
- Drawing a life plan to improve conditions (objective setting, setting strategy, and planning individual personal maturity plan)

Contagious diseases
- Sexual relations
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Symptoms prevention and treatment

Parental skills
- Crucial child raising principles
- Strengthening self dignity and self confidence
- Establishment of order, training and discipline principles (Corrective training general principles)
- Training methods and correction of the home's structure
This stage of the project took place with a pretest and then a description of the characteristics of a healthy family. in the next workshops, life skills training and the self help debates, contagious diseases and parental skills were discussed. and the course concluded with a post-test and completion of a survey form. During the presentation of training discussions in workshop form, group plays and work groups were also used.
In this phase the pilot of course had begun from the last sessions of the training course by the trainers. Thus for the prevention of forgetting what they learned while still learning the trainers began to train others. Each individual's commitment to the project was to teach 5 peer trainers.
Phase three: Sending an evaluation expert to provide ansers to questions and evaluate the training process. According to the agreement three observation and evaluations visits had been foreseen which began from July.

“ Report: Prevention of Domestic Violence & Life Skills Training for Afghan Refugees in Varamin - 2014 ”