The Adoption of the Generalities of the Commutation of Capital Punishment for Those...
The Adoption of the Generalities of the...
According to the Khaneh Mellat News Agency reporter, in the open session of the Parliament on 16 July, the members passed the bill with 182 votes for, 36 against and 6 abstains out of the 246 Members in the session.
The Parliament’s Judicial-Legal Commission spokesman Hassan Norouzi said: “the draft addition of an article to the Fight against Drugs Act, has been prepared on the basis of the views of Parliament Members who have a judges’ background, and is deemed a studied draft.”
Pointing to the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran has given many martyrs and maimed in the fight against drugs, Norouzi said: “the question is have executions in the fight against drugs been effective in the reduction of the crime; because presently for example in some public squares there are drug addicts therefore more fundamental combats must be made against drugs.”
The representative of the Judiciary regarding the addition of an article to the Fight against Drugs Act said: “The Judiciary does not want to execute anyone, but our concern is that with the excessive reduction of capital punishments we witness an out of control rise in drugs trafficking in the country.”
The representative of the Research Centre of the Parliament continued: “To review this subject with had consultations with judges, lawyers, criminologists and university lecturers. They all agreed to the fundament of changing the law and reducing the punishment level.”
Norouzi said: “The opponents of the proposal believe capital punishment is a preventive punishment and the removal of this punishment will cause dysfunction in the fight against drugs trafficking process.”
He stressed: “Prevention is credible when the ruling of the judge is applied with certainty to all criminals. This is while in possession of drugs crimes, individuals who are financially well off can hire lawyers can get a life sentence and be set free in ten years. But those who have no financial backing and cannot get lawyers are executed.”