Female bikers promote clean transportation in Tehran

News ID : #1857
Publish Date : 08/19/2017 15:12
View Count : 1823
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A group of female cyclists in western Tehran has established an NGO on the belief that bicycle provides affordable and clean transportation.

A group of female cyclists in western Tehran has established an NGO on the belief that bicycle provides affordable and clean transportation.

The bikers are members of the Shahrbanoo Sports and Cultural Complex, a venue of District 21 of Tehran Municipality.

The project, part of a national campaign dubbed “It Starts with Us”, is primarily aimed to enhance the culture of cycling, respect for traffic laws, car pool, cleaner air, as well as pedestrian rights.

The campaign, organized by the Tehran Municipality’s department of transportation in cooperation with street theater performers, was launched back in February.






“ Female bikers promote clean transportation in Tehran ”