First Comprehensive Education Course and Mock Human Rights Council Session Held

News ID : #2104
Publish Date : 11/22/2017 15:22
View Count : 2124
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The First Comprehensive Education Course and Mock Human Rights Council Session was held by the ODVV and with the cooperation of UNIC and UNA-Iran.

According to ODVV public relations, on the first day of this education course which was held on 21 November, workshop training such as introduction to the UN Human Rights Council, Human Rights Council special procedures, introduction to the Universal Periodic Review, the status and role of states and NGOs, were presented to the participants.
This was followed by the splitting of the participants, who are post graduates in international law, international relations, human rights, political science and political sociology and familiar to the English language, into groups and to practice writing and reading statements as state, NGO and UN agencies representatives.
It must be said that the second day of this education workshop whose theme is mock Human Rights Council session is scheduled to be held on 1۰ December, coinciding with Human Rights Day.




“ First Comprehensive Education Course and Mock Human Rights Council Session Held ”