The Prevention of Domestic Violence & Life Skills Education Project has Completed

News ID : #252
Publish Date : 12/14/2013 0:00
View Count : 1489
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This project which was implemented with the cooperation of the ODVV, BAFIA and UNHCR and had began in March 2013 finished in December with the presentation of the final report.

According to the ODVV public relations, this project was foreseen in 7 stages for 60 Afghan refugees resident in Kan (30 men and 30 women) and with the aim of the reduction of domestic violence.
The training subjects were as follows:
- Definition of the concepts of life skills, necessity, required structure for education
- Self awareness training
- Sympathy training
- Effective individual communication concepts and methods training
- Effective between individuals communication concepts and methods with a stress on nonviolent communication
- Problem solving skills training
- Creative thinking skills training
- Decision making skills training
- Critical thinking skills training
- Adjustment with anxieties methods training
- Confrontation with mental pressures and reduction of stress methods training

“ The Prevention of Domestic Violence & Life Skills Education Project has Completed ”