Education Courses to be Held on the Introduction to the UPR Mechanism and Report...
Education Courses to be Held on the...
According to the ODVV public relations, with the aim of increasing the role and participation of NGOs, research and education centres, researchers, law and political science post graduates and students in the United Nations human rights mechanisms, and raising their influence levels in the UPR mechanisms - especially the second round of the UPR on Iran - the ODVV and UNA-Iran are going to hold these education courses.
The UPR mechanism is the most important United Nations human rights mechanism which reviews the human rights situation of countries every four years. The first round of the UPR took place from 2008 till 2011, and currently the Human Rights Council is on the second round of these reviews. The human rights commitments of the Islamic Republic of Iran were reviewed in the first round of the UPR in which recommendations were given to Iran, and the follow up of these recommendations will take place in the second round of the UPR The second round of Iran's UPR will take place in 2014 and it is hoped that with the colloquium of the participants of these education courses, credible and reliable reports can be submitted to the Human Rights Council and increase the effectiveness of NGOs and experts on the subject at the international level.
These courses will be an opportunity for the participants to put their scientific knowledge, experiences and functions relating to their mission statement in the Human Rights Council and through the UPR mechanism inform international organizations and institutions.