Winter 2020 Issue of Defenders Published

News ID : #2951
Publish Date : 03/11/2020 14:41
View Count : 3354
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Winter 2020 Issue of Defenders Published
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A review of United Nations’ performance regarding unilateral coercive measures; a look at violation of women and children’s rights in armed conflict.

Defenders is a specialised magazine on the subject of human rights, the latest issue of which published towards the end of 2019 is dedicated to “some of the most important human rights violations.”
Defenders is published in English its distribution reaches the sessions of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.
In this issue articles have been collected on the following subjects:
- A review of United Nations’ performance regarding unilateral coercive measures; a look at violation of women and children’s rights in armed conflict (thematic study of Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen).
- The impact of last year’s weapons’ trade on the violation of human rights; a review of human rights violations in the United States at three internal, other countries and international community levels.
- A review of Islamic Republic of Iran’s actions on human rights; interview with a number of international experts on the subject of international unilateral coercive measures.
- Defenders Newsletter tries to raise technical human rights issues at the international level through benefiting from the thoughts, opinions and works of Iranian and international experts.
- The methodology of the articles follow scientific and promotional standards.
- Defenders Newsletter is accessible in the following website.

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