ODVV Statement on Recent Yemen Ceasefire
ODVV Statement on Recent Yemen Ceasefire
Following the UN Secretary General’s appeal for an immediate global ceasefire, the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV) encourages all parties to agree with the initiative of Truce in Yemen in response to the global coronavirus pandemic.
Organization for Defending Victims of Violence believes that while the ceasefire does not mean stopping the war and consistency of peace in Yemen, it will be a consenting move if accepted and respected till the end of the holy month of Ramadan by all parties involved in the conflict.
Also, there is a necessity to eliminate the blockade around Yemen by the coalition to facilitate the delivery of essential equipment and supplies necessary to fight the coronavirus and limit its spread worldwide.
ODVV urges all parties to consider the proposed ceasefire, as an opportunity to engage in constructive negotiations to end the war and achieve a comprehensive and sustainable peace, in order to protect the human rights of all Yemen citizens.