Make your voice heard - Unite against gun violence!
Make your voice heard - Unite against gun...
This year’s call to “Make your voice heard - Unite against gun violence” aims to acknowledge and continue the decades of collective action that Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence was built on. In this regard, International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) and its members, including the ODVV has several programs in order to make their voices heard against gun violence.
The proliferation of arms and lax regulations continue to endanger our communities, and more specifically, women. Throughout the week, IANSA are asking that members and allies work collectively to advocate for:
● more effective regulation of guns and ammunition,
● to disarm domestic violence,
● include more voices in finding solutions to gun violence,
● and support survivors of gun violence.
For further information about this week and IANSA you can visit: https://www.iansa.org